
Send and receive PEPPOL documents as a Belgian public institution

PEPPOL and Mercurius in Belgium: All you need to know

In Belgium, Mercurius is the PEPPOL Access Point of the public institutions. Instead of using Digiteal as PEPPOL Access Point, Digiteal is used as a proxy to Mercurius. The concepts are the same as for a direct PEPPOL integration but with a few minor differences that are explained below.

The public institutions have the following advantages when using the Mercurius Access Points:

  • This is the solution recommended by BOSA.
  • The public institution can receive invoices sent manually from the Mercurius platform.
  • The public institutions can access the Mercurius mail room to see the details of all incoming and outgoing PEPPOL documents.

In order to use the following services, you must be granted the role of PEPPOL integrator within Digiteal. To become PEPPOL integrator contact the Digiteal support team.

Mercurius integration

Sending: From a SaaS solution for Belgian public institutions, the calls can directly be made to the Digiteal Mercurius Connector. From there, the documents will be sent through Mercurius as PEPPOL Access Point. The documents will be sent to any receiver PEPPOL Access Point (including Mercurius).

Receiving: When a document is received in Mercurius from any PEPPOL Access Point (including Mercurius), it will be transferred to the Integrator's Saas Mercurius Receiver through Digiteal Mercurius Connector.

Mercurius Integration

Manage participants

Only Belgian public institutions can register to integrate with Mercurius through Digiteal.
The PEPPOL identifiers to be used to register are the ones registered in the Crossroads Bank for Enterprises with the prefix 0208 (ie. 0208:0219802592 for BEP).

Grant access to Digiteal

The public institution must give the authorization to Digiteal to access Mercurius in its name. For this, a representative of the public institution must use the Mercurius Contact form (or alternatively send an email to the Belgian PEPPOL public authority at with the following content:

Please grant access on Mercurius for the institution $nameOfTheInstitution to Digiteal (through the Federal Service Bus/FSB) with the company identifier $companyIdentifier.
Please also set the delay to forward by email to 1 day. Once this is done, please confirm that the access has been granted.

To start sending documents to Mercurius or receiving documents from Mercurius for a public institution you must register it as a participant.


Access to Mercurius must be granted to Digiteal beforhand (see Grant access to Digiteal).

Error codes

ALREADY_REGISTEREDThe participant is already registered through Digiteal, the participant stays registered within Digiteal.

If you wish to stop sending documents to Mercurius or receiving documents from Mercurius, you can unregister the participant.

Manage documents

Once you have registered a participant, you can send and receive documents for that participant.

Send a document

You can send a document either just by providing the UBL or by providing the full PEPPOL message document envelope (SBDH).

Receive a document

In order to receive a document, you can subscribe to webhooks to be notified of newly published documents.


Webhook types


Webhook payloads are defined in the API reference within the register participant endpoint.

What’s Next

Check the reference of the Mercurius API