Webhooks types

There are many webhooks that you can register to:

Please get in touch with the Digiteal support team if you want more information about those webhooks and advice on how to use them.

Registration webhooks

Company registration webhooks

Company webhooks will send you CompanyNotification as JSON payload.

Here are the company webhook types:

  • COMPANY_CREATED: A company has been created.
  • COMPANY_VALIDATED: A company has been validated.
  • COMPANY_REJECTED: A company KYB validation has failed. The reason is in the comment.
  • COMPANY_UPDATED: A company has been updated.
  • COMPANY_PUT_ON_HOLD: A company has been put on hold.
  • COMPANY_CHANGED_INTEGRATOR: A company has changed integrator.
  • COMPANY_CHANGED_TRUSTED_PAYMENT_INTEGRATOR: A company has changed trusted payment integrator.
  • COMPANY_DELETED: A company has been deleted

Person registration webhooks

Person webhooks will send you PersonNotification as JSON payload.

Here are the person webhook types:

  • PERSON_CREATED: A person has been created.
  • PERSON_VALIDATED: A person has been validated.
  • PERSON_REJECTED: A person KYC validation has failed. The reason is in the comment.
  • PERSON_UPDATED: A person has been updated.
  • PERSON_PUT_ON_HOLD: A person has been put on hold.
  • PERSON_CHANGED_INTEGRATOR: A person has changed integrator.
  • PERSON_CHANGED_TRUSTED_PAYMENT_INTEGRATOR: A person has changed trusted payment integrator.
  • PERSON_DELETED: A person has been deleted

Invoice webhooks

Invoice webhooks will send you InvoiceNotification as JSON payload.

Here are the invoice webhook types:

  • INVOICE_PUBLISHED: An invoice been published.
  • INVOICE_READ: An invoice has been read for the first time by the customer.
  • INVOICE_PAID: An invoice has been paid.
  • INVOICE_COMMENTED: A comment has been added to an invoice.
  • INVOICE_UNPAID: An invoice that was paid is now not considered as paid anymore.
  • INVOICE_DOCUMENT_ADDED: A document has been attached to an invoice.
  • CREDIT_NOTE_PUBLISHED: A credit note has been published.
  • CREDIT_NOTE_DOCUMENT_ADDED: A document has been attached to a credit note.

Customer webhooks

Customer webhooks will send you CustomerNotification as JSON payload.

Here are the customer webhook types:

  • CUSTOMER_OPTIN: A customer did an opt in for a specific channel.
  • CUSTOMER_OPTOUT: A customer did an opt out for a specific channel.

Payment webhooks

Payment webhooks will send you TransferOfFundsNotification as JSON payload.

Here are the payment notification types:

  • PAYMENT_INITIATED: payment has been initiated by the debtor
  • PAYMENT_INITIATION_ERROR: payment has failed to be initiated by the debtor
  • PAYMENT_TRANSFERRED: money has been transferred to the creditor
  • REIMBURSEMENT_RECEIVED_FROM_CREDITOR: a reimbursement is arrived to the Digiteal's transit account

For SDD payments, the following specific webhooks are also available:

  • PAYMENT_WITHDRAWAL_SUCCESS: money has been withdrawn from the account of the debtor
  • PAYMENT_WITHDRAWAL_ERROR: money could not be withdrawn from the account of the debtor
  • REIMBURSMENT_TO_CLIENT_FROM_DIGITEAL: a reimbursement has been requested by the client. The money was still in transit and it has not been transferred to the creditor yet. The Digiteal platform reimbursed the client.
  • REIMBURSMENT_TO_CLIENT_FROM_REQUESTOR: a reimbursement has been requested by the debtor. The money has already been transferred to the creditor. The Digiteal platform will withdraw the amount from the creditor’s account.

Some customers have a buffer account managed by Digiteal containing their own funds. The API of Digiteal enables initiating payments from a buffer account and notifications of incoming funds are also sent:

  • FUNDS_RECEIVED_IN_BUFFER: money has been received in the buffer account. If there are no listener for this webhook and the event occurs for an expected payment, an email will be sent to the contact email address of the company owning the buffer account.

Auto Payment webhooks

As soon as an auto-payment configuration changed, the Digiteal platform will notify the company and/or integrator through webhooks. For the autopay configuration changes, an AutoPayConfiguration will be sent in a JSON payload.

Here are the AutoPayConfiguration notification types:

  • AUTOPAY_CONFIGURATION_CREATED: The autopay configuration has been created and it is active.
  • AUTOPAY_CONFIGURATION_UPDATED: The autopay configuration has been updated.
  • AUTOPAY_CONFIGURATION_SUSPENDED: The autopay configuration has been suspended. This means it is not active for the moment.
  • AUTOPAY_CONFIGURATION_ACTIVATED: The previously suspended autopay configuration has been re-activated.
  • AUTOPAY_CONFIGURATION_CANCELLED: The autopay configuration has been deleted.

Trusted payment webhooks

When something happens linked to a trusted payment, the Digiteal platform will notify the debtor, the creditor and/or the integrator through webhooks.

As a debtor/creditor, you will received the notifications for the webhooks you registered too and that concern your company. As a trusted payment integrator, you will receive the notification for all the companies that defined you as trusted payment integrator.

Trusted payment webhooks will send you TransferOfFundsNotification as JSON payload.

The webhooks that you can register to are:

  • TRANSFER_CREATED: A trusted payment has been created.
  • TRANSFER_PAYMENT_RECEIVED: A payment awaiting confirmation has been received.
  • TRANSFER_PAYMENT_STARTED: A trusted payment execution has started. The money transfer order to the creditor will soon be executed.
  • TRANSFER_PAYMENT_COMPLETED: A trusted payment execution has completed. The money has arrived on the account of the creditor.
  • TRANSFER_REIMBURSEMENT_STARTED: A trusted payment reimbursement has started. The money transfer order to the debtor will soon be executed.
  • TRANSFER_REIMBURSEMENT_COMPLETED: A trusted payment reimbursement has completed. The money has arrived on the account of the debtor.
Trusted payment states

Trusted payments states

As you can see in the state diagram above, apart from the happy flow, the payment can go into many other flows. To summarize them, the payment can either

  • not be linked to a trusted payment (for example if it is a debtor error) in which case it will be reimbursed to the debtor or linked to a specific trusted payment after confirmation by the debtor
  • be too risky to execute, in which case it will be reimbursed to the debtor
  • not reach the release condition after the end date, in which case it will be reimbursed to the debtor